Houses Pazin - Okolica Butoniga Butoniga to 390000 eur

Houses Pazin - Okolica Butoniga Butoniga to 390000 eur. 1 results found for request houses Pazin - Okolica Butoniga Butoniga to 390000 eur.

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ISTRIA, PAZIN - Detached house with pool
390,000 €
1,444 €/m2
House 270 m2

ISTRIA, PAZIN - Detached house with pool

Pazin - Okolica, Butoniga

  • 270 m2
  • 6.0
ISTRIA, PAZIN - Detached house with pool Pazin is the unavoidable heart of Istria and the seat of the Istrian County. It is a place where the residents are extremely enterprising and very hardworking. It is a safe and open city tailored to man, an educational and cultural center that preserves the Istrian identity and its tradition. A place where life takes place with equal intensity in...

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