Houses Krusevac Bagdala Bagdala to 50000 eur

Houses Krusevac Bagdala Bagdala to 50000 eur. 1 results found for request houses Krusevac Bagdala Bagdala to 50000 eur.

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Spacious and Modern Ground Floor in a Three-Storey House - Krusevac
380 €
House 108 m2

Spacious and Modern Ground Floor in a Three-Storey House - Krusevac

Kruševac, Bagdala

  • 108 m2
  • 3.5
  • Floor: lobby/3
  • Registered
  • Gas
A completely renovated ground floor of 108m2 is for rent at Bagdala 3, Uzicka 7, Krusevac with the use of a yard and a parking space. Suitable for various types of activities: Law offices, surgeries, beauty salons, IT companies... Possibility of issuing as a residential unit for serious families. It consists of a hallway, a spacious living room, a terrace, a dining room, a kitchen,...

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