Halls Beograd Zvezdara Zvezdara to 1450 eur

Halls Beograd Zvezdara Zvezdara to 1450 eur. 1 results found for request halls Beograd Zvezdara Zvezdara to 1450 eur.

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Izdavanje, Hala, 300m2 , Mali mokri lug
1,450 €
Hall 300 m2

Izdavanje, Hala, 300m2 , Mali mokri lug

Beograd, Zvezdara, Mali mokri lug

  • 300 m2
  • 0.0
  • Floor: pr
  • Newly built
Magacinski prostor pogodan za skladistenje robe. Visina 4. 20 m Na 700 m od auto-puta, 500m od bulevara Kralja Aleksandra i Smedervskog puta. Koriscenje viljuskara uz dogovor.

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