Bureaux Kotor à 2000 eur - Location

Bureaux Kotor à 2000 eur. 2 resultats trouvés pour la requête bureaux Kotor à 2000 eur, location.

Seules les annonces actuellement actives sont affichées pour la requête https://www.nadjidom.com:443/crna-gora/fr/immobilier/location/bureaux+Kotor+%C3%A0+2000+eur. Vous pouvez enregistrer les annonces dans vos favoris et les consulter ultérieurement ou partager un liste des annonces sélectionnées avec une autre personne.

Commercial Space for Rent-Kotor
2,000 €
Bureaux 100 m2

Commercial Space for Rent-Kotor


  • 100 m2
  • 0.0
  • Réservé
  • Eléctrique
ID1825-Situated on the ground floor of a small building, this 100m2 commercial space is conveniently located less than 5km from Kotor Old Town and 500 meters from the sea. Commercial space features a spacious main room, one smaller room inside with a bar and kitchen. Parking space available in front.
New commercial space in Radanovići (New Construction)
1,800 €
Bureaux 153 m2

New commercial space in Radanovići (New Construction)


  • 153 m2
  • 0.0
Commercial space of 153 m2 is located on the first floor of a newly built residential building (with elevator) in Radanovići (Kotor). The property has a spacious terrace, and parking is available in front of the building. The highest quality material was used for the construction. The proximity of the municipalities of Tivat and Kotor makes this location ideal for many business activities....

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