Bureaux Budva récent - Location

Bureaux Budva récent. 3 resultats trouvés pour la requête bureaux Budva récent, location.

Seules les annonces actuellement actives sont affichées pour la requête https://www.nadjidom.com:443/crna-gora/fr/immobilier/location/bureaux+Budva+r%C3%A9cent. Vous pouvez enregistrer les annonces dans vos favoris et les consulter ultérieurement ou partager un liste des annonces sélectionnées avec une autre personne.

Commertial space in Budva - Topliški put
2,500 €
Bureaux 53 m2

Commertial space in Budva - Topliški put


  • 53 m2
  • 0.0
Commertial space of 53 m2 is located just a 10-minute walk away from the city center and the coast. The space is suitable for a large number of business activities. Parking is available in front of the property.
Office space in Budva for rent
4,000 €
Bureaux 650 m2

Office space in Budva for rent


  • 650 m2
  • 0.0
  • Récent
A large office space for rent near the Jaz beach in Budva. The space is semi-furnished and very spacious. It is suitable for all purposes. The space has an area of ​​650m2 at the base, 350m2 of the gallery and 250m2 of the covered outdoor area. VAT is not included.
Warehouse space in Radanovici, Kotor for rent
3,000 €
Bureaux 500 m2

Warehouse space in Radanovici, Kotor for rent


  • 500 m2
  • 0.0
The warehouse is located near the stadium in Radanovici, between Budva and Kotor. The warehouse has a total area of ​​500m2 and consists of two halls with an area of ​​200m2 and 300m2. The warehouse is 400m from the main highway. VAT is included in the price.

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